Stratigraphy Sequence of Permian rocks in the Pongo de Mainique and integrated with the under underground Camisea Sub-basin, Cusco – Peru


  • Eloy Gerardo Pozo Calle Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Perú



stratigraphy sequence


The Pongo de Mainique (bear house, in language Matsiguenga) is a landform generated by the Urubamba River across the eastern Andes, causing a cut that allows the observation of all stratigraphic units from Ordovician - Silurian to Tertiary, highlighting the presence of the Permian units producing gas and condensate from the Camisea area. Wonderful place and natural laboratory for the application of sequence stratigraphy methodology in order to better understand the geology in order to propose strategies for exploration and development of gas reservoirs of the subbasin of Camisea.

This paper is a first approach with diagnoses based on observations, descriptions and interpretations of sedimentary processes and sequence stratigraphy, suggesting genetic sequences of third order of importance in the strategy of hydrocarbon exploration and development planning of reservoirs. The genetic sequences were defined based on the description of sedimentary facies, facies associations, interpretation of sedimentary environments and sub-environments and identification of stratigraphic surfaces.

Author Biography

  • Eloy Gerardo Pozo Calle, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Perú
    Alumno Maestría UNMSM







How to Cite

Pozo Calle, E. G. (2017). Stratigraphy Sequence of Permian rocks in the Pongo de Mainique and integrated with the under underground Camisea Sub-basin, Cusco – Peru. Revista Del Instituto De investigación De La Facultad De Minas, Metalurgia Y Ciencias geográficas, 20(39), 39-48.