The origin of life from the geological conception


  • Honorio Campoblanco Díaz Senior Lecturer, Department of Geological Engineering



Life species, Genesis, evolution, energy flows, electromagnetic radiation, Biotic, Abiotic, expansive and contracting power, intelligence, feelings


Explain the processes and mechanisms of the origin of life is a very complex issue , given the diversity of variables , factors, energy and thermodynamic conditions involved , there are many well-founded theories and hypotheses , however there are still many unknowns that make us think that life also been influenced imperceptibly energies constantly changing and evolving, currently the existence of " force fields " as the electric field, magnetic , electromagnetic, nuclear, gravitational field of the stars that strongly influence the constitution is verified biological , mental and spiritual living beings. From the geological conception life is designed from the first energy reactions of incandescent material, and the resulting chemical reactions , thermochemistry chemical broth loaded with isotopes and chemical elements released by volcanoes 3,600 million years ago in the process degassing of the mantle , which associated with electric shock , lightning and thunder accompanying such energetic events , made ​​possible the first abiotic reactions reported by Miller and Urey , forming increasingly complex chemical compounds , the same that were subsequently accelerated , repowering and / or canceled for extrasolar powerful energy flows , from the vastness of the universe , galaxies, novae and supernovae , directing to these chemical and thermochemical form new increasingly complex chemicals (proteins , amino acids ) and then by an energy jump reactions give rise to life. In summary, it can be argued that life is a stage of vibratory fruit stuff interact expansive and compressive energy from the sun, the interior of the earth , the powerful and fleeting energy flows from the cosmos. Rudolf Steiner calls these interactions as " Rhythms " formed by a set of vital processes , organized and somewhat semiespirtuales supersensible , which we can not perceive its immediate effects . The earth as a whole, not only receives energy pulses from the outside, but turn metered conjugated , such energetic rhythms interacts with energy flows emanating from inside, as the magnetic field , gravitational , electrical, electromagnetic etc. . generating imperceptible changes and modifications in living beings. Even the materials of the mineral kingdom , showing the effects of the influences and variations of such fields. These energy rates are not worth this , their alternation is repeated over time on a daily, weekly, yearly , in centuries or millennia as part of the geological evolution .






Artículos científicos

How to Cite

Campoblanco Díaz, H. (2001). The origin of life from the geological conception. Revista Del Instituto De investigación De La Facultad De Minas, Metalurgia Y Ciencias geográficas, 4(8), 47-52.