Application design in Python as a teaching learning support for slope stability




Teaching-learning, stability of slopes, factor of safety, functions, graphical, user, interface, libraries, Python, variables, widgets


The teaching-learning processes nowadays require pedagogical supports that allow the teacher to generate a space of real interaction from the classroom, for the student with his career; the training of professionals in earth sciences or engineering, must be accompanied by the teaching of computer programming, using high-level languages, free download and open source, as a resource applied to the solution of specific problems, presented in the stability of slopes. Here is shown a Python application to calculate and plot the factor of safety of a slope, through a Graphical User Interface (GUI), inserting: libraries, variables, functions and widgets of this language. The safety factor obtained by the application is 1.26, which coincides with that obtained by the manual procedure, the coordinate that plots the safety factor (Fs), to determine its sensitivity, as a function of the reciprocal height of the slope (H-1) on the straight line will be (0.005, 1.26), and the cut-off coordinate will be (0,0.8).

Author Biographies

  • Roberto Martin Zamora Nevado, Universidad Tecnológica del Perú, Chiclayo, Peru

    Mining Engineer, graduated from Universidad Nacional de Piura, Master in Geology with mention in Geotechnics from Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, MBA from Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles (IEB)-Madrid-Spain, former director of the School of Mining Engineering of Universidad César Vallejo, former director of the Mining Engineering and Geological Engineering careers of Universidad Privada del Norte-Trujillo, current professor of the Civil Engineering career of Universidad Tecnológica del Perú-Chiclayo.

  • Yovana Edith Medina Vásquez, Universidad Tecnológica del Perú, Chiclayo, Peru

    Graduated in Physics from the Pedro Ruíz Gallo University, Electrical Mechanical Engineer from the Señor de Sipán University, Master in Education Teaching and Educational Management from the César Vallejo University, PhD in Educational Administration from the César Vallejo University, professor at César University Vallejo and the Technological University of Peru.







How to Cite

Zamora Nevado, R. M., & Medina Vásquez, Y. E. (2023). Application design in Python as a teaching learning support for slope stability. Revista Del Instituto De investigación De La Facultad De Minas, Metalurgia Y Ciencias geográficas, 26(52), e25004.