Factors influencing the selection of the type of dam: Case study of the Tullpacancha dam for irrigation water storage





site, selection factors, CFRD type dams, dam typology, Tullpacancha


This research analyzes the factors that influence the selection of the type of dam for the Tullpacancha dam site. The evaluation of various factors such as topography, morphology of the closure site, relevance of the slopes of the hillsides, geology of the study area, among others, was carried out. The dam foundation will be on slightly fractured rock, with a load capacity of 11 kg/cm2 at 16 meters, and 29 kg/cm2 at a depth of 40 meters; it was recommended that the foundation be improved by means of cement injections. The construction materials meet the required properties and the required volume, being appropriate since they are less than 1 km from the foundation site.

The height of the dam is projected for 63 meters, for this height the construction of CFRD type dams is recommended. The slope stability analysis was carried out, estimating the safety factors in static and pseudo-static conditions for the dam once its construction is completed and the reservoir is full; with the results obtained, the structure is stable for a CFRD type dam design. After its evaluation and analysis of the different factors, the result was the selection of a CFRD type dam.


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How to Cite

Casco Cacsire, M. M., & Meza Aréstegui, P. R. (2024). Factors influencing the selection of the type of dam: Case study of the Tullpacancha dam for irrigation water storage. Revista Del Instituto De investigación De La Facultad De Minas, Metalurgia Y Ciencias geográficas, 27(53), e26048. https://doi.org/10.15381/iigeo.v27i53.26048