Economic geology of the  Ponce Enríquez mining district, province of Azuay, Ecuador


  • William Francisco Arteaga Chango Metalquartz. Quito, Ecuador
  • Alicia Ángela Arias Villamarin Consultor Independiente. Quito, Ecuador
  • Fernanda Dayana Andrade Mantilla Instituto de Investigación Geológico y Energético. Quito, Ecuador
  • Gerardo Marcelo Llerena Carrera Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador



Mining district, economic geology, mining, potential, veins


The research is based on bibliographic compilation and field experiences developed over a long period of time within the "Ponce Enríquez" mining district, located in the foothills of the Western Cordillera in southern Ecuador, province of Azuay. Since the 1980s, minerals of economic value have been extracted in this mining district, mainly gold, silver, copper and zinc, severely changing the economy of the region. Through the information collected, it has been identified that this mining district is known for deposits of Au deposits mainly in structures (veins and veins), hydrothermal breccias, stockworks and disseminations, related to porphyries (±Au, Cu, Mo). The age of mineralization of the mining district is estimated from the Middle to Upper Miocene. It is a metalliferous belt that extends approximately 100 km in a NE-SW direction, associated with the metallogenic belts of Ecuador and Peru (with porphyries known as La Granja, El Galeno, Conga, Cerro Corona, among others) and bears similarities to deposits in Colombia (La Colosa).


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Review Articles

How to Cite

Arteaga Chango, W. F. ., Arias Villamarin, A. Ángela, Andrade Mantilla, F. D., & Llerena Carrera, G. M. (2024). Economic geology of the  Ponce Enríquez mining district, province of Azuay, Ecuador. Revista Del Instituto De investigación De La Facultad De Minas, Metalurgia Y Ciencias geográficas, 27(53), e27554.