Kinetics of the reaction of hardening of copper minerals from complex sulfur of Marañon Complex


  • Daniel Lovera Dávila Faculty of Engineering Geology, Mining, Metallurgy and Geographic, National University of San Marcos, Lima, PERU.
  • Vladimir Arias Arce Faculty of Engineering Geology, Mining, Metallurgy and Geographic, National University of San Marcos, Lima, PERU.
  • Janet Quiñones Lavado Faculty of Engineering Geology, Mining, Metallurgy and Geographic, National University of San Marcos, Lima, PERU.
  • Luis Puente Santibañez Faculty of Engineering Geology, Mining, Metallurgy and Geographic, National University of San Marcos, Lima, PERU.
  • Carlos Landauro Saenz Laboratory X-ray diffraction, Faculty of Physical Sciences, National University of San Marcos, Lima, PERU.
  • Mirtha Pillaca Quispe Laboratory X-ray diffraction, Faculty of Physical Sciences, National University of San Marcos, Lima, PERU.
  • José Medina Medina Laboratory X-ray diffraction, Faculty of Physical Sciences, National University of San Marcos, Lima, PERU.



Extractive metallurgic, Cementation, Mössbauer spectroscopy, Metallurgical processes, Complejo Marañón


It has been obtained a good quality copper cement from copper-zinc sulphides ores of the east peruvian Andes at Marañon complex zone using integrated metallurgical processes, that makes easier the possibility to give technological value to peruvian concentrates of copper. Monitoring obtained products employing combined techniques such the X-Ray diffraction or the Mössbauer spectroscopy allow us to have a better information of the existing elements and help to control and optimize the metallurgical processes. With the Cementation Cinetic Equation there have been carried out simulations of the process, considering the process related variables, like time, agitation, solution concentration, pH, etc. Recovery has reported up to 70% of copper, that gives the way to improve national ore and concentrate extraction costs and open a great possibility to apply it to postergated small and medium mining project and operations, using LIX-SX-Cementation and/or LIX-Resins-Cementation intensive technologies.






Artículos científicos

How to Cite

Lovera Dávila, D., Arias Arce, V., Quiñones Lavado, J., Puente Santibañez, L., Landauro Saenz, C., Pillaca Quispe, M., & Medina Medina, J. (2010). Kinetics of the reaction of hardening of copper minerals from complex sulfur of Marañon Complex. Revista Del Instituto De investigación De La Facultad De Minas, Metalurgia Y Ciencias geográficas, 13(26), 43-49.