Planning and integrated administration of the coastal marine area of the Callao


  • Carlos Cabrera Carranza Academic Department of Geographical Engineering. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Manuel Maldonado Dongo Geographical Engineering Academic Department. National University of San Marcos
  • Walter Arévalo Gómez Geographical Engineering Academic Department. National University of San Marcos.
  • Renan Pacheco Abad Geographical Engineering Academic Department. National University of San Marcos
  • Alfredo Giraldo Vega Departamento Académico de Ingeniería Geográfica. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • José Quispe Vilchez Geographical Engineering Academic Department. National University of San Marcos



Coastal administration, environmental, Half marine, Callao


Many countries of Latin America have used the sectoral planning I united purpose to administer activities and coastal resources, but in most of the cases these programs have not reached the maturation. The antecedents of study socioeconòmicos and environmental that one has in the study area, added to environmental monitoreos, you interview and other mensuration instruments that are used, allow to face a design of Planning and Integrated Administration of the coastal area, based on a holistic perspective. The present work has as purpose to propose an a methodology that serves as base to assign the best uses from the territory to the productive activities and services in the port of the Callao, to minimize the environmental impacts originated by the growth of activities and for the population’s growth in the short and medium term. This allows to the National University bigger than San Marcos to complete their investigation list and projection to the community coherent proposals that you/they help in the improvement of the quality of the population’s life, the economic growth and the Classification and sustainable Handling of our territory settling down.






Artículos científicos

How to Cite

Cabrera Carranza, C., Maldonado Dongo, M., Arévalo Gómez, W., Pacheco Abad, R., Giraldo Vega, A., & Quispe Vilchez, J. (2005). Planning and integrated administration of the coastal marine area of the Callao. Revista Del Instituto De investigación De La Facultad De Minas, Metalurgia Y Ciencias geográficas, 8(16), 38-43.