Mathematical modeling in the leaching processes of gold and copper minerals in chemical systems


  • Daniel Florencio Lovera Dávila Docente del Instituto de Investigación IIGEO.
  • Rosa Coronado Falcón Docente del Instituto de Investigación IIGEO.
  • Sixto Vidal Aramburu Docente del Instituto de Investigación IIGEO.
  • Janet Quiñones Lavado Docente del Instituto de Investigación IIGEO.
  • Luis Puente Santibáñez Docente del Instituto de Investigación IIGEO.



Hidrometalurgia, lixiviación de minerales, modelamiento matemático, sistemas químicos


In the present work the revision, deduction and application of mathematical models in the quantification of the reaction kinetics of leaching processes of national sulphided minerals in chemical systems is made. The interaction between the mineral particles and the leaching solution is controlled by three possible mechanisms: by chemical reaction, by diffusion through the porous bed and by mass transfer; Each mechanism has its own mathematical modeling and parametric conditions. Experimental runs of leaching of gold and copper minerals are presented, in which their kinetic control equations of the most relevant variables are shown. Other empirical models are also shown that are used to elucidate the phenomenology of the leaching of mineral species, call chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena.






Artículos científicos

How to Cite

Lovera Dávila, D. F., Coronado Falcón, R., Vidal Aramburu, S., Quiñones Lavado, J., & Puente Santibáñez, L. (2003). Mathematical modeling in the leaching processes of gold and copper minerals in chemical systems. Revista Del Instituto De investigación De La Facultad De Minas, Metalurgia Y Ciencias geográficas, 6(11), 64-70.