The Social Management in the Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonía and its Relationship with the Implementation of an Educational Policy with an Intercultural Approach




social management, implementation, intercultural policy, linguistic diversity, higher education, UNIA university


The implementation process of any policy or program is complex in itself and can present a series of factors that hinder its development. The establishment of an educational policy with an intercultural approach is no stranger to this, since —like any process— it must be implemented and then evaluated. This article intends to reflect on these forms of implementation carried out in a specific context: the National Intercultural University of the Amazon (UNIA), since it is known that it develops the intercultural approach as part of its long-term vision. To this end, we refer to the achievements and limitations that this system entails and present a proposal of axes and indicators for this management system that contribute to the implementation process of the intercultural approach. In addition, we emphasize the need to reformulate methodological teaching-learning strategies that consider as part of their contents the knowledge developed by the different native peoples existing in our country and the functioning and promotion of the language by native and non-native students. Finally, the UNIA has important achievements in its social management system; however, it needs to take into consideration issues such as capacity building, articulation with allied institutions, rethinking teaching - learning strategies and a curricular proposal that takes into consideration the linguistic and cultural situation of its students (treatment of languages, promotion of scientific research, among others).

Author Biography

  • Zamia Ivon Castillo Farroñay, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru

    Formación en Lingüística, con estudios de Maestría en Educación y Maestría en Política Social. Dedicada a la investigación en políticas educativas y a la gestión de proyectos sociales con enfoque intercultural; además del estudio de las lenguas amazónicas (familia lingüística Pano). Con experiencia en docencia e investigación en universidades: UNIA, UPCH (Programa de Licenciatura en Educación Intercultural Bilingüe) y UNMSM. Realizó diversas consultorías para el Ministerio de Educación en temas de juventudes y fomento a la lectura. Actualmente, es Coordinadora del Proyecto Oficina de Línguas e Culturas Indígenas (OLCI Perú), promovido inicialmente por la Embajada de Brasil en Lima y el Centro Cultural Brasil-Perú, con el apoyo del Grupo de Investigación en Interculturalidad, Formación Docente y Enseñanza de Lenguas (KAWSASUN), organización adscrita al Instituto de Investigación de Lingüística Aplicada (CILA) de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.


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Academic articles

How to Cite

Castillo Farroñay, Z. I. (2021). The Social Management in the Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonía and its Relationship with the Implementation of an Educational Policy with an Intercultural Approach. Lengua Y Sociedad, 20(2), 429-451.

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