The question of the textbook for teaching a foreign language and the role ofthe teacher before adopting it




didactic book, research, context, teacher, learner


The didactic book represents one of the main working tools for the teacher throughout the teaching and learning process. However, in view of the growing number of researches on this material, it is observed that there are a series of problems that involve not only aspects related to its content, but also to how it is being received in the institutions. The main objective of this article is to highlight some questions that surround textbooks for teaching a foreign language (FL) from bibliographical research on works that have been based on the analysis of FL textbooks. In addition, this article discusses the role of the teacher before adopting it. The points of view of Coracini (2021) and Taset (2015) contribute to clarify some points on this topic. It is recognized the importance of the teacher's training to be able to adapt the didactic book according to its context of use and to know the main needs of the learners in relation to the language they intend to study.



Author Biography

  • Simone de Meneses Mitma, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú

    (Brasil, diciembre de 1981). Ha cursado maestría en Lengua y Literatura en la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos y es Licenciada en Letras Español (2007) y Letras Portugués (2012) por la Universidad Federal de Sergipe (Brasil). Tiene el título de especialista en enseñanza de lengua portuguesa y literatura otorgado por la misma universidad. Actúa en la enseñanza del portugués como lengua extranjera en el Instituto Guimarães Rosa (Embajada de Brasil – desde el 2013) y en la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas. Desde el año 2013 es aplicadora del examen internacional de portugués Celpe bras. Su área de interés es lingüística, educación y literatura.


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Academic articles

How to Cite

de Meneses Mitma, S. (2022). The question of the textbook for teaching a foreign language and the role ofthe teacher before adopting it. Lengua Y Sociedad, 21(2), 475-492.