Duplication of the possessive in the Spanish of Amazonian indigenous migrants





double use of possessives in the Spanish, spoken by Amazonian immigrants


Description of morphosyntactic characteristics in the double use of possessives in relation with social variables in the Spanish spoken by Amazonian immigrants living in Lima City is offered. Also, a comparative evaluation of codification of grammatical possession is made between Spanish (owned – owner) and the indigenous language (owner – owned). Noting that there are systematic patterns when alternating the canonic construction for the third person (Article + Noun de Noun) and the double use of possession relationships. Moreover, different structures showing double possession are evaluated, showing evidence of influence and social and cultural conditioning as a consequence of the contact between languages.

Author Biography

  • Pedro Manuel Falcón Ccenta, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru

    Correo: pfalconc@unmsm.edu.pe

    Licenciado en Lingüística con estudios completos de maestría en Lingüística y Sociología de la Educación por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Diplomado en interculturalidad e identidades por INDEPA y la UNMSM. Entre las actividades académicas, de investigación y temas de interés destacan la sociolingüística hispanoamericana y amerindia; educación intercultural bilingüe; interculturalidad y diversidad lingüística; política y planificación lingüística y contacto de lenguas. En los últimos años ha desarrollado estudios sociolingüísticos sobre la producción oral del castellano de migrantes bilingües indígenas amazónicos en zonas urbanas.






Articles originals

How to Cite

Falcón Ccenta, P. M. (2014). Duplication of the possessive in the Spanish of Amazonian indigenous migrants. Lengua Y Sociedad, 14(1), 95-111. https://doi.org/10.15381/lengsoc.v14i1.22609