In Praise of the Stepmother — cohesion and coherence between texts and textiles




cohesion, coherence, erotism, text, textile


Mario Vargas Llosa’s erotic novel In Praise of the Stepmother (1998) has fourteen chapters and one epilogue — six of them are introduced by a classic piece of art (four are canvas from 15th to 16th centuries, and two from 20th century). However, images are not there to be a visual aid to understand the plot but to be a part of it, in other words, the real characters’ experiences are reflected in the paintings. The real characters prolong their erotic phantasy in the paintings, and breathe life into the characters painted. Under the concepts of cohesion and coherence from text linguistics, we explain that text and textile (canvas) in the novel are linked together and form a coherent plot.

Author Biography

  • Katherine Pajuelo Lara, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru

    She holds a degree in Translation from the Ricardo Palma University, an international proofreader of Spanish language texts from the Fundación Litterae-Fundéu (Buenos Aires) and a master's degree in Language and Literature from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM). She works as a freelance translator and proofreader. She has served in different publishing houses, editorial funds, public and private entities, such as Adosaguas Contenidos Multiplataforma (Spain), the Editorial Fund of the Lima Publishing School, the Editorial Fund of the University of Lima, the National Jury of Elections, Ediciones Norma, the Ministry of Education, the Peruvian Journal of Experimental Medicine and Public Health of the National Institute of Health, among others. She always believed that reading could take her far, but she never imagined how far.


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Academic articles

How to Cite

Pajuelo Lara, K. (2023). In Praise of the Stepmother — cohesion and coherence between texts and textiles. Lengua Y Sociedad, 22(2), 511-532.