
  • María Magdalena García Toledo Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Perú.




Femicide, Chilean television, free-to-air.


This research is a continuation of two studies conducted at the Institute of Humanistic Research of our university during the years 2011 and 2012, whose theme was in the first case “Violence, Women and television” and in the second “Violence, Women and press”.

In this case, the topic is more closely defined, because if previous investigations generally dealt with violence against women, in this particular case, this research deals with the phenomenon called “femicide” which is a specific violence directed against women on account of being female and which does not allow them to enjoy the rights they are entitled for their human, social and personal status. These crimes are part of the “machismo,” understood as a collective behavior where power is unevenly exercised in favor of man. It is considered a worldwide pandemic and is concern of governments, legal, social, economic and educational systems.

In our country, this phenomenon has unfortunately been increasing more and more, and it is the mass media, particularly television, which report in an insufficient, biased and wrong way as found by numerous investigations. All of this eventually helps things remain the same and that the matter is not addressed in a way that contributes to eradicate violence.

This study will analyze a sample of free-to-air television news in order to detect the positive and negative aspects we are commenting and thus to detect whether television is doing in this regard the social, informative and truthful work for which it is entitled.




How to Cite

FEMICIDE ON FREE-TO-AIR TELEVISION. (2017). Escritura Y Pensamiento, 19(38), 211-232. https://doi.org/10.15381/escrypensam.v19i38.13709