The resemantization of the avant-garde in Chirapu




Chirapu, resemantization, vanguardism, internal periphery


The decentralism of the historical avant-garde in Peru allowed the emergence of intellectual voices in the regions that reflected on its cons-titution as a phenomenon in the cultural field. In the article, we will focus on the editorial proposal of Chirapu (Arequipa, 1928) through its intellectual nucleus, which carried out in its pages a resemantiza-tion of the avant-garde concept. Starting from the definition of internalperipheries as a place of enunciation, we will seek to understand the strategies that these intellectuals used to locate this movement in its “Indo-American” particularity; On the other hand, we will analyze the levels of resemantization in order to locate in their aesthetic and ideo-logical identification a legitimizing resource for the new Andean art.


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How to Cite

The resemantization of the avant-garde in Chirapu. (2021). Escritura Y Pensamiento, 20(40), 35-50.