Roles of the announcer in "The pipe smoker"


  • Josué Yared Medina Huamán Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú; Esandino - Estudios Andinos de Interculturalidad: quechua y aymara, Lima, Perú



avant-garde, indigenism, announcer, tobacco, Atahualpa Rodríguez


This research studies the roles of the announcer in “The pipe smoker” to interpret how this intratextual subject is related to other intra- and extratextual subjects of The Tower of Paradoxes. To this end, theorization about the lyrical subject is expanded (Slawinski, 1989) through the contributions of recent research on the speaker and his roles. As a result, the character is evidenced as a reflection of the speaker’s psyche. In this way, it is concluded that the solitary and meditative character smokes tobacco to enhance their cognitive faculties and thus connect with higher instances. In this way, he sees himself dehumanized as the beautiful sculpture of the animal that he thinks.


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How to Cite

Roles of the announcer in "The pipe smoker". (2021). Escritura Y Pensamiento, 20(40), 303-316.