Substratistic presence of Aimara in Arequipa: About the legacy of Miguel Ángel Ugarte Chamorro




dialectology, morphology, linguistic borrowings, quechuisms, aimarisms


The knowledge of the language, its history and idiomatic filiation is an academic adventure full of surprises; in the Peruvian south and due to the confluence of languages in time, it has characteristics that we make available to specialists. This variety will be enriched, recreating a special morphology: quechua-Spanish, quechua-aimara, aimara-quechua, aimara-puquina. Arequipa Spanish is the result of the quechua, aimara and puquina substratum in the speech of the farmers in the different valleys of the region, possible words which are not yet accepted by academia. Many glosses were recorded by Dr. Ugarte, a master from Arequipa, first as Arequipeñismos and then in a comprehensive manner under the name of 'Vocabulario de peruanismos', posthumously. We will allow ourselves to examine Ugarte's contributions in the light of the new knowledge in andinistics, considering the register used by our honoree.


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How to Cite

Substratistic presence of Aimara in Arequipa: About the legacy of Miguel Ángel Ugarte Chamorro. (2021). Escritura Y Pensamiento, 20(40), 399-415.