Vienrich, Adolfo. Tarmap Pacha-Huaray. Azucenas Quechuas. (Nuna-shimi Chihuanhuai). Lima: Pakarina Ediciones, 2020, pp. 286.




The first years of the twentieth century insert us into a complex network of relationships established among the intellectual community. The structure of the Peruvian field of cultural productions was cemented by a hegemonic elite and a series of precepts that allowed them to maintain that position. By 1905, the predominance of the field was found in the group of the 900, led by José de la Riva Agüero, who, with the defense and publication of his bachelor's thesis as a book, Carácter de la literatura del Perú independiente, placed Peruvian literature in a hispanist trend. In that sense, prior to the Conquest, he points out, there was no true literature, but only literary conditions that expanded, possibly, until the beginning of the Republic. From these dominant postulates in the literary space, movements of resistance and destabilization arise, impregnated with an anarchist breath, like the one initiated by some pariahs in the same year of the hispanophile apogee.






Notes and reviews

How to Cite

Vienrich, Adolfo. Tarmap Pacha-Huaray. Azucenas Quechuas. (Nuna-shimi Chihuanhuai). Lima: Pakarina Ediciones, 2020, pp. 286. (2021). Escritura Y Pensamiento, 20(40), 445-449.