Nakasone, Daniel. Reír hacia atrás. Lima: Pakarina Ediciones, 2021, 64pp.


  • Carlos Eduardo Luján Andrade Universidad de Lima, Lima, Perú



As soon as we hold Daniel Nakasone's collection of poems in our hands, it invites us to think about its particular title, as it leads us to reflect even without having opened the book. The expression "Laughing backwards" apparently carries two meanings: the first is unleashed laughter, which leads to an ecstasy of joy; and the other, deeper, where melancholy awakens the memory of an apparent happiness already abandoned. The author chooses the latter. In the verses we do not find revelry but introspection. Laughing backwards fractures the corporeality of our senses to explore ourselves intimately. Thus he begins with a pertinent and surprising epilogue that reads as follows: "In a half-empty house there existed for a short period two souls, one that knew it was dead and the other that did not. The soul that does not know that it has died, will it convince its pair that both are alive?" marking the path with which we must approach his texts.






Notes and reviews

How to Cite

Nakasone, Daniel. Reír hacia atrás. Lima: Pakarina Ediciones, 2021, 64pp. (2021). Escritura Y Pensamiento, 20(40), 463-464.