Manco Inca as hero in the transatlantic translations by Pedro Cieza de León




cultural translation, colonial Andes, Atlantic world, Manco Inca, Pedro Cieza de León


Manco Inka has been named in numerous colonial narratives throughout the 16th and 17th centuries. Among a variety of cases, I examine the “Manco’s Speech” by Pedro Cieza de León, included in his book The Discovery and Conquest of Peru (Chap. XC, 1553 aprox.). I contend that this text exemplifies the limits and complexities of cultural translations in the Spanish Atlantic Empire. Cieza de León, I observe, sought to problematize hegemonic discourses of the conquest, proposing an heroic representation of this Inka. In order to vindicate the honor of this indigenous chief, the translator employed a repertoire of conventions and norms stipulated in his own Spanish culture. In this venue, he chooses to use techniques and styles of Cantares de Gesta, chivalry romances, and the doctrines of Bartolomé de Las Casas. By doing so, Cieza de León produced a Manco Inka’s translation according to the rules and literary styles of the Spanish Crown in the 16th century.


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How to Cite

Manco Inca as hero in the transatlantic translations by Pedro Cieza de León. (2021). Escritura Y Pensamiento, 20(41), 13-49.