The poetics of cultural germination or the representation of the andean subject from the paratextual elements in Falo (1926)




paratexts, lyrical andean subject, hegemonic subject, lyrical voice, cultural germination


The Peruvian literary avant-garde was characterized by constructing a revulsive discourse that questioned the government apparatus and the hegemonic discourses of its time. In the collection of poems Falo (1926) by the poet from Puno Emilio Armaza (1902-1980), this mechanism is perceived in two instances. On the one hand, from the representation of an Andean lyrical subject, it seeks to annul the condition of the indigenous object because his figure takes center stage within the cultural scene. In turn, on the basis of a dialectical dynamic, it comes into tension with the hegemonic subjects. On the other hand, by making their cultural practices visible and conceiving them in constant germination, it establishes a form of cultural resistance against the symbolic and factual violence exercised against them. Through the analysis of the paratexs we will seek to demonstrate that this poetic strategy that Armaza executes pursues the objective of restoring the human condition of the Andean man and legitimizing the universality of his culture.


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How to Cite

The poetics of cultural germination or the representation of the andean subject from the paratextual elements in Falo (1926). (2021). Escritura Y Pensamiento, 20(41), 51-69.