Face and multiplicity or a beyond of violence in certain Peruvian literature





Levinas, faciality, Peruvian literature, amerindian thought, animality


Starting from the fundamental work of Emmanuel Levinas, Totality and infinity, this text seeks to expand the concept of faciality, developed by the philosopher, in such a way that it decenters its anthropocentric character. The object of this critical-conceptual expansion points to the analysis of literary texts that are in a sphere of thought different from the western one, because its expressive construction framework would be based on the strong influence of Amerindian thought. Within this broad use of the term, emphasis will be placed on the non-human presence as a decisive aesthetic factor and not merely ornamental or exotic.


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How to Cite

Face and multiplicity or a beyond of violence in certain Peruvian literature. (2021). Escritura Y Pensamiento, 20(41), 71-87. https://doi.org/10.15381/escrypensam.v20i41.21112