Mateo Díaz Choza. The poem is a thing that circulates. 8 essays to discuss poetic production in Peru. Lima: La Balanza Taller Editorial, 2022, 164 pp.




If any agreement is possible in literary studies, it is to recognize that the work always surpasses the studies about it. That is to say, no review, essay, article or book is capable of telling us everything that a text can give us. Thanks to this, it is possible to return to the classics and, in a certain way, to rediscover them. This perception gives rise to questions about the context, conception, production and reception of the works. Their answers have been slowly forming in the Peruvian context. For example, the book La máquina de hacer poesía (2019), by Luis Alberto Castillo, focuses on the material conditions of Peruvian poetry of the 20th century, an unfinished debate that requires more participants. The texts gathered by Mateo Díaz Choza, in El poema es una cosa que circula. 8 ensayos para discutir la producción poética en el Perú, have the same intention as Castillo's book.



How to Cite

Mateo Díaz Choza. The poem is a thing that circulates. 8 essays to discuss poetic production in Peru. Lima: La Balanza Taller Editorial, 2022, 164 pp. (2022). Escritura Y Pensamiento, 21(45), 177-181.