The baptism as a rite which guarantees social insertion in "Hwan usu"




Hwan Usu, Juan Usu, rites of passage, baptism


This article hypothesises that baptism is the mechanism that ensures successful social integration in the "Hwan Usu" story. To prove our hypothesis, we will use the category called “rites of passage” proposed by the French ethnographer Arnold Van Gennep. The paper is basically divided into three sections, the first of which is a state of the art, a section that will enable us to look at the background of the raptors bears’ tales. The second part contains the development of our theoretical framework where rites of passage will be defined and a classification of rites of passage will be provided. Finally, in the last section, An analysys of "Hwan Usu" will be done and then a comparison between this story and "Juan Usu" will be carried out in order to reinforce our hypothesis.


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How to Cite

The baptism as a rite which guarantees social insertion in "Hwan usu". (2021). Escritura Y Pensamiento, 20(42), 195-210.