Philosophical language as poetry based on the thought of Ludwig Wittgenstein




Wittgenstein, fhilosophy, poetry, dichten, Rorty, manifestos, negative heuristics


From aphorisms found in Culture and value and in the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, as well as in various testimonies of Ludwig Wittgenstein, this essay will defend the idea that in philosophical language one can find glimpses of a poetic language, and vice versa. In this way, it is intended to create a connection between philosophy and poetry based on Wittgenstein's philosophy or thought, which, among other things, stated that philosophy should only be written as poetry [dichten]. Likewise, the thesis that similar values can be found in philosophical and poetic discourse will be sustained, pointing out Richard Rorty's argument that, like Wittgenstein, Philosophy as Poetry can be done, giving as an example of this thesis the manifestos and specifically pointing out three types of these: the Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx, the Anthropophagous Manifesto of Oswald de Andrade and the Manifesto of the Vienna Circle, valuing these works from both philosophy and poetry, pursuing the objective that it is possible to consider that philosophical and literary language can be used with the same aesthetic and reflective purpose. Finally, the concept of negative heuristics used by Lakatos will be used to support the idea that in the aforementioned example of the Manifestos it is possible to find a single argument or nucleus that resists all kinds of refutations.


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How to Cite

Philosophical language as poetry based on the thought of Ludwig Wittgenstein. (2022). Escritura Y Pensamiento, 21(45), 75-97.