The poetics of the city as a discourse of dehumanization in The Reverse Yours by Ariana Lía




poetics, dehumanization, power, discourse, postmodernity


This article addresses the dehumanization of the poetic ego in the poem “I just want to wake up with the stillness of time” from El Reverso Tus by Ariana Lía. The poem mentions the creation of two meeting spaces; In the first scenario, nature is presented as a space for liberation and in the second scenario, the city is built as a space for alienation, condemnation and suffering. This leads us to state that the dehumanization of the poetic ego in the space of the city is the effect of postmodernity, a product of consumer culture. Which affects both the individual (poetic self) and society. However, nature is presented as a hope for a solution for contemporary man. We will address the proposed topic from Michel Foucault's theory of power and the critical theory of the cultural industry proposed by Theodor Adorno and Mark Horkheime.


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How to Cite

The poetics of the city as a discourse of dehumanization in The Reverse Yours by Ariana Lía. (2022). Escritura Y Pensamiento, 21(45), 99-108.