The rustling in “Ñakay Pacha”




rustling, mimicry, violence, subversive, sinchis


The abigeos, characters in the story Ñakay pacha by Dante Castro has attracted our interest, which is why we have considered the subject of this article: The abigeos in the story Ñakay pacha. With the present research work we propose to analyze and interpret how the imitation of the abigeos was in the peasant communities, what events involved the peasants to see themselves in the midst of the confrontation between the Sinchis and the subversives, in short, what was the impact of the abigeos in the exacerbation of political violence in the 1980s. For the development of the contents we have had the contribution of outstanding researchers and from the literary work such as Ñakay pacha we intend to create awareness so as not to repeat acts of political violence, promote a culture of peace by solving socio-economic problems within the framework of the law and avoiding violence.


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How to Cite

The rustling in “Ñakay Pacha”. (2022). Escritura Y Pensamiento, 21(45), 109-123.