The problem of professional adults in learning the English language




communicative approach, meaningful, inglish skills, speaking, listening, reading, writing, vocabulary, grammar


Communicative Approach was used for this Scientific Investigation, which was quasi experimental, in order to achieve, in a meaningful way, the level of Conversation in English from the students from the Experimental Group, and, at the end of the research, other areas in English were improved too, such as: Reading, Writing, Grammar, and Vocabulary. In regards to the population, there were two groups: Control and Experimental. Each group was comprised of 10 students. Both groups had a pre-literacy level of English that means below Basic level, also, it is important to highlight, all of them were Adult Professionals from Post-grade of Master in Management of Projects and Social Programs Cycle III 2018-I - Santiago Antunez de Mayolo University – UNASAM, Huaraz-2018. It is important to mention that students from the Experimental group need to Communicate in English, that is, Speaking, and at the same time Understand, that is, Listening, so they can interact with Engligh-speaking people at work by using these two English skills. On the other hand, students from the Control group require English in order to pass their English exam in order to graduate at their University. Due to the reasons indicated lines above, the Program was comprised of 16 sessions which were used in order to achieve the objective, in other words, to learn Basic English, so at the end of the course, being able to achieve, in a meaningful way, Speaking and Listening in the Experimental Group. Finally, the result was successful; the aim was achieved as indicated in the Hypothesis.


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How to Cite

The problem of professional adults in learning the English language. (2022). Escritura Y Pensamiento, 21(45), 125-141.