The validity of the thought of Manuel González Prada regarding censorship and the manipulation of content in the mass media in the postmodern context




censorship, handling, trivialization, postmodernity, individualism


The objective of this research is to propose a reading of the article "Libertad d'escribir", by Manuel González Prada, from a current perspective. This, due to the fact that the postulates exposed in said article are still valid in the context of contemporary society, marked by postmodernism. In this way, we will examine some ideas recorded in that text on the basis of a comparative analysis that will refer us to other more recent texts, in which a ratification of González Prada's statements regarding the censorship and manipulation of content suffered is noted. by those mass media that seek to inform on the basis of the truth. Likewise, a reflection will be presented on the relationship between this reality and the postmodern context, marked by a cult of individualism and in which those ideals destined to achieve the benefit of the community have been left aside.


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How to Cite

The validity of the thought of Manuel González Prada regarding censorship and the manipulation of content in the mass media in the postmodern context. (2023). Escritura Y Pensamiento, 22(47), 161-178.