Cosmovision, identity and image of the wampis woman in the poetry book Sanchiu (2021), by Dina Ananco




wampis poetry, Dina Ananco, cosmovisión, identity, woman


 This article studies the themes of cosmovision, identity and the image of the Wampis woman in the bilingual poetry book Sanchiu (2021), written in the Wampis language and self-translated into Spanish by the poet Dina Ananco (Bagua, 1985). Our research hypothesis is that the author, through her poetic voice, uses these themes as part of her aesthetic-ideological project of revaluing and including the Wampis culture and language in the current literary panorama. To support the above, we will carry out a hermeneutic analysis of a selection of poems in their Spanish version, taking into account the Wampis version in order to propose a general characterization of the collection within the framework of poetry written in native languages in Peru and Latin America.


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How to Cite

Cosmovision, identity and image of the wampis woman in the poetry book Sanchiu (2021), by Dina Ananco. (2023). Escritura Y Pensamiento, 22(47), 13-42.