Stereotypes and discursive paradigms in the representations of the indigenous by Amauta’s socialist indigenism




Amauta, indigenism, socialism, stereotypes, discursive paradigms


Amauta was one of the most important magazines in the Peruvian intellectual segment during the period in which it circulated from 1926 to 1930, placing the indigenous as one of the central themes. From the fundamentals of Content Analysis, we intend to map the indigenist discourse in Amauta in its first nine issues a period that corresponds to the gravitational phase of indigenism around socialism in its pages. We will show that in the representations of the indigenous in Amauta’s indigenist texts there was a stereotype that pointed to an expectation of “racial war”, resulting from discursive paradigms present in Peruvian indigenism. We will conclude, through the concepts of Reinhart Koselleck, that the representations of the indigenous in Amauta, pointed to a political perspective that shaped a discourse that in this indigenous claim for the autochthonous, so that it would be convenient with the junction of the ideal of “Andean Utopia” to the socialist expectation.


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How to Cite

Stereotypes and discursive paradigms in the representations of the indigenous by Amauta’s socialist indigenism. (2023). Escritura Y Pensamiento, 22(46), 63-83.