Beyond verse and prose: the stylistic struggle in Escalas (1923) by Cesar Vallejo




Cesar Vallejo, peruvian vanguard, rhetoric, styles of thought, peruvian narrative


 For critics, Escalas (1923) is part of the minor creations of Cesar Vallejo, as it has been considered a sketch that allows the explanation of other texts of the poetic and narrative production of the santiaguino poet. For this reason, in homage to its centenary, this article aims to offer a new reading of Escalas in light of the contributions of General Textual Rhetoric. For this, it is hypothesized that the hermetic character of Escalas is not the product of Vallejo's inexperience as a narrator, but of his experimental consciousness. This has its correlate in a stylistic struggle between three regimes of thought: the separative, the distinctive and the confusive. Giovanni Bottiroli's classification of styles of thought is used as the main theoretical framework, in addition to the categories of rhetorical field and figurative field proposed by Stefano Arduini.


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How to Cite

Beyond verse and prose: the stylistic struggle in Escalas (1923) by Cesar Vallejo. (2023). Escritura Y Pensamiento, 22(46), 113-135.