The yanantin and the pachakutiy in the andean avant-garde theater: An approach to Sapan churi by Inocencio Mamani




andean avant-garde, theater, Sapan churi, yanantin, pachakutiy


 The theater of Inocencio Mamani (1904-1990) constitutes a milestone in the field of the model of dramatic representation in a period where the avant-garde promoted an aesthetic and sociopolitical renewal. Among his first works that have been able to be recorded in a Spanish version, Sapan churi reflects the Andean worldview and raises the importance of the search for knowledge in education to face the ignorance that the man of the field had since remote times. In order to clarify Mamani's theatrical approach, this article investigates the scope of Andean avant-gardeism in the theatrical field that occurred in the second decade of the 20th century and analyzes the aforementioned theatrical piece under the Andean categories of yanantin and pachakutiy to detect the dual balance that regulates the tension produced by the spirit of a cultural transformation of educational thought, which will be favorable for the progress of the community.


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How to Cite

The yanantin and the pachakutiy in the andean avant-garde theater: An approach to Sapan churi by Inocencio Mamani. (2023). Escritura Y Pensamiento, 22(46), 137-156.