Arguedas and andean music, another component of his poetics




Arguedas, poetics, music, narrative


This work is an analysis of Arguedian poetics. The most important contributions on the subject come from Antonio Melis (bilingualism of poetics) and Fernando Rivera (translation of poetics). Here we propose an extension of this field, arguing that in the Arguedian narrative work there is a conglomeration of tropes allusive to Andean music, song and dance that structure the composition of that narrative functioning in a systematic way, which is revealed as one more component of the Arguediana poetics.


Arguedas, J. M. (1983). Obras completas. 5 vols. Lima. Editorial Horizonte.

Dolezel, L. (1990). Historia breve de la poética. España. Editorial Síntesis.

García Liendo, J. (2012). Las chicherías conducen al coliseo: José María Arguedas, tecnología y música popular. Revista de Crí- tica Latinoamericana, 75, 1er. Semestre, 149-170.

Lotman, Y. (1982). Estructura del texto artístico, Madrid, Istmo.

Melis, A. (2011). Poética de un demonio feliz. José María Arguedas. Lima. Fondo Editorial del Congreso del Perú.

Rivera, F. (2011). Dar la palabra ética, política y poética en Arguedas. Madrid. Iberoamericana.

Rowe, W. (1987), Arguedas: música, conocimiento y transformación social. Revista de Crítica Latinoamericana, 25, 1er semestre, 97-107.




How to Cite

Arguedas and andean music, another component of his poetics. (2023). Escritura Y Pensamiento, 22(47), 43-54.