An archaeological reading on the (im) pertinence of the avant-garde and surrealism in the aesthetic plan of Gamaliel Churata




avant-garde, surrealism, Gamaliel Churata, archaeology, aesthetics


Through a brief exercise of gnoseological archaeology, this article seeks to explain the relationship that has been attributed to Churata with the avant-garde and, specifically, with the surrealism. For this, the closest origins are reviewed, which are in the condemnation of the dream presented by Descartes in The Discourse on the Method. After passing this viewing, supported by Nietzsche and Foucault, it is contrasted with the ideas that the Peruvian writer outlined in the Boletín Titikaka between 1926 and 1928. Based on this examen and comparison, it is possible to affirm that El pez de oro, the main Churatian object of study, would be outside the epistemic interests of the Western crisis and, for this very reason, it would become a response to this limit situation at the beginning of the 20th century. This conclusion was possible thanks to a detailed examination of the aesthetic limits of the modernity project.


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How to Cite

An archaeological reading on the (im) pertinence of the avant-garde and surrealism in the aesthetic plan of Gamaliel Churata. (2023). Escritura Y Pensamiento, 22(46), 157-180.