Thought about the novel in the essays of Miguel Gutierrez




Miguel Gutierrez, history of literary criticism, peruvian essay, novel, critical practice


In recent years, the novelistic production of Miguel Gutierrez (1940-2016) has been revalued by specialized critics, due to his concern for the formal experimentation of the novel genre. On the other hand, the critical practice that Gutiérrez has cultivated throughout his essays has received little attention. Partly because of the controversy unleashed because of the publication of La generación del 50: un mundo dividido (1988). Regarding this, this article will deal with systematizing the ideas that Gutierrez expressed in his essay about the genre of the novel. For which, Gutierrez's critical praxis will be periodized from its location within the reflection frameworks of literary studies and the explanation of the types of critical interpretation that he assumed.

Author Biography

  • Eduardo Mijaíl Avalos Salas, ESANDINO-Estudios Andinos de Interculturalidad: Quechua y Aymara, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú

    Es estudiante de Literatura en la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos y de Filosofía en la Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya. Miembro del grupo de Estudios Andinos de Interculturalidad: Quechua y Aymara (ESANDINO). Ha publicado los artículos “La configuración de la memoria en El libro de Dios y de los húngaros (1978): cambio interlocutivo e interrelación campofigurativa”, “La retórica del refrenamiento en La piedra alada (2005) de José Watanabe” y “Más allá del verso y la prosa: la pugna estilística en Escalas (1923) de César Vallejo”. En la actualidad, se encuentra investigando acerca de las revistas de las vanguardias literarias peruanas.




How to Cite

Thought about the novel in the essays of Miguel Gutierrez. (2023). Escritura Y Pensamiento, 22(48), 141-166.