Between radishes and melons: The export of words in Carta Canta




Ricardo Palma, letter, orality, writing


In this article it is proposed as a hypothesis that the figure of the melon referred to in the tradition "Carta canta”, contained in the Peruvian Traditions (1872) of Ricardo Palma, it works as an element that allows us to demonstrate the supremacy of writing over orality. In addition, we will demonstrate that the fruit serves as a metonymy that represents the great wealth obtained by the Spaniard when arriving in Peruvian lands; situation that is equated with the importation of vegetables from Spain to Peru. To achieve our goal, we will use the irony strategies of Hernán Núñez Tapia contained in his article “Representación y juegos de la ironía en Palma”, we will also use the topic of abundance

Author Biography

  • Renato Andre Robles Valencia, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú

    Licenciado en literatura por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Se desempeña como redactor de prensa. Ha publicado artículos académicos en revistas de México y Perú, además fue beneficiado en el 2019 con una pasantía en Harvard University. También participó en calidad de ponente en el VI y VII Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores, evento organizado por la Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas de la UNMSM.




How to Cite

Between radishes and melons: The export of words in Carta Canta. (2023). Escritura Y Pensamiento, 22(48), 127-139.