Inquiries into an aesthetic theory of dreams from Gamaliel Churata




Pensamiento indígena, interpretación, sueño, Gamaliel Churata, «El kamili»


The present article continues the work entitled “An archaeological reading on the (im)pertinence of the avant-garde and surrealism in the aesthetic plan of Gamaliel Churata”, which appeared in the penultimate issue of this same magazine. Its objective is to "shape" the presence of the dream as a constituent element of Gamaliel Churata's aesthetic production but removing it from the surrealist name and inclining it to the episteme that originated it; the indigenous. For this reason, we will relate the dream proposals of Ailton Krenak and Davi Kopenawa, mainly, to demonstrate that the writer's efforts were not adrift, but rather anticipated a time in which his work could be attended to with greater precision and with certainty. Independently from the traditional reading parameters, which were criticized by him in works such as El pez de oro and Resurrección de los muertos. My ultimate goal is to offer different study tools for works similar to this one mentioned.


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How to Cite

Inquiries into an aesthetic theory of dreams from Gamaliel Churata. (2023). Escritura Y Pensamiento, 22(48), 33-55.