The freedom and spontaneity of moral consciousness in Rousseau




Rousseau, ethics, freedom, moral conscience, political right


In this article we will address the metaphysical problem of freedom and moral conscience as an exceptional position in Rousseau's philosophy in accordance with his time; such questions will be examined having as a reference the Social Contract, and its essay Emilio. We propose a rereading of Rousseau considering the reflection on freedom and moral conscience, assuming his ethical proposal based on the concept of spontaneity of conscience subject to the moral law. Freedom is configured with the metaphysical emergence of modern raison, and constitutes an imperative for moral conscience in Rousseau's discourse, which has transcended to contemporary times. Critical historical analysis will be the method we will adopt.


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How to Cite

The freedom and spontaneity of moral consciousness in Rousseau. (2024). Escritura Y Pensamiento, 23(49), 175-192.