An approach to the role of the female character in the early narrative of Enrique Congrains Martin




gender, feminity, masculinity, Congrains, peruvian narrative, Segato


The work of Enrique Congrains Martin (1932-2009) remains a field of exploration yet to be fully examined by literary criticism. Within his representation of Lima's urban marginality, various forms of exclusion and uprooting are explored as a result of emerging social hierarchies. Particularly interesting is the in-depth examination of the female characters that appear in the author's early narrative. From the perspective outlined in this article, it is in the construction of these characters that the recognition of the relevance of gender consciousness for identity formation becomes evident. Therefore, the stories "Los Palomino" and "Domingo en la jaula de esteras" will be analyzed to demonstrate how, through oppositions with male characters, there is an incipient interest in portraying female characters with greater agency.


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How to Cite

An approach to the role of the female character in the early narrative of Enrique Congrains Martin. (2024). Escritura Y Pensamiento, 23(49), 159-173.