Open Access Policy

Escritura y Pensamiento provides free and immediate access to its contents immediately when they are published in electronic format through journal website in accordance with principles of making research freely available to the public, which fosters greater global knowledge sharing.

The journal adheres to the Open Access principles and policies set forth in the Budapest (2002) (BOAI 10), Berlin (2003) and Bethesda (2003) declarations that allow readers the free, irrevocable and worldwide right to access information; as well as to download, print, share or link to the full text of any of the articles in any of the published issues, provided they are duly cited and taking into consideration the rights established in Legislative Decree 822, Peruvian Copyright Law.

This journal adopts a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license (Attribution 4.0 International License) for free and open distribution of its contents.

Escritura y Pensamiento journal maintains an Apen Access publication model supported under the sponsorship by publishing institution (publisher), for which the authors do not have to pay additional fees like as Articles Processing and Publication Chargues (APC) of their submissions.