Scarce occurrence and high threat of the Peruvian Plantcutter, Phytotoma raimondii


  • Mónica Romo Investigadora independiente. Av. Perez Araníbar 1730, Lima 27, Perú.
  • Mario Rosina Asociación Peruana para la Conservación de la Naturaleza –APECO, Parque José de Acosta 187, Magdalena, Lima 17, Perú.
  • Jeremy Flanagan Investigadora independiente. Urb. Santa Rosa, Calle Santa Clara 599, Sullana, Piura, Perú.
  • Luis Pollack Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas. Av. Juan Pablo II s/n, Trujillo, Perú.
  • Irma Franke Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Av. Universitaria/ Av. Germán Amezaga s/n, Lima 1, Perú.



Phytotoma raimondii, Peruvian Plantcutter, scrubland, dry forest, Grabowskia, Peruvian coastal desert, dry forest.


In this article, we present an update on the conservation statuts of the Peruvian Plantcutter. We find little presence of the species within its distribution area we catalog threats to the remaining populations. From Tumbes to Ancash only six sites have been identified with populations of more than 10 individuals and only three sites where the species is known to reproduce. Results indicate that the current total population is less than 500 individuals. These sites where the species is found contain floral species typical of the Peruvian desert scrub, several of which are threatened. Sites are very small (between 5 to 150 ha), highly fragmented and are under immediate threat of destruction due to agriculture, urban expansion, illegal logging, livestock foraging, and the introduction of exotic plant species.


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How to Cite

Romo, Mónica, Mario Rosina, Jeremy Flanagan, Luis Pollack, and Irma Franke. 2015. “Scarce Occurrence and High Threat of the Peruvian Plantcutter, Phytotoma Raimondii”. Revista Peruana De Biología 22 (2): 213-24.