Orchids in El mundo vegetal de los Andes peruanos: A review and taxonomic update


  • Delsy Trujillo Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Museo de Historia Natural, Herbario San Marcos (USM), Av. Arenales 1256, Jesús María, Lima, Perú. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2550-6406




Orchidaceae, Weberbauer, Peru, lectotypification, biodiversity


In the present work, the contribution to the knowledge of the orchids of Peru that Augusto Weberbauer made in his work El mundo vegetal de los Andes peruanos is analyzed. During his botanical studies, Weberbauer collected about 264 specimens of orchids, which not only served to enrich his work; but also served for other botanists to describe new species of orchids. Also, a list of the specimens of Weberbauer deposited in different herbariums is presented; grouped into four lists: 1) type material with specimens in herbarium collections, 2) type material without existing specimens in herbarium collections, 3) non-type material in herbarium collections, and 4) non-type material cited in the literature; and lectotypes are designated for 70 Orchidaceae names.


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Weberbauer and the Mundo vegetal de los andes peruanos in the current context

How to Cite

Trujillo, Delsy. 2022. “Orchids in El Mundo Vegetal De Los Andes Peruanos: A Review and Taxonomic Update”. Revista Peruana De Biología 29 (3): e22929. https://doi.org/10.15381/rpb.v29i3.22929.