Rhynchospora and Carex (Cyperaceae) in the Andes of Lambayeque, Peru





Monocotyledons, Northern Peru, Cyperaceae, Flora of Lambayeque


A total of four species of Cyperaceae in the genus Rhynchospora (Rhynchosporeae) and five of Carex (Cariceae) are reported for the first time as members of the flora of the department of Lambayeque, in the northeast of the Peruvian territory, occupying the Andean ecoregions of Northwest Montane Rainforests (BPMN), Jalca, and Desert Shrub-Dry Forest transition (MD-BS). The distribution of the species and presence in herbaria are also discussed.


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How to Cite

Perez Chapoñan, Maria, Jose Ayasta Varona, and Ana Juarez Chunga. 2024. “Rhynchospora and Carex (Cyperaceae) in the Andes of Lambayeque, Peru”. Revista Peruana De Biología 31 (2): e27299. https://doi.org/10.15381/rpb.v17i3.27299.