The bibliographic contribution of Ricardo Melgar Bao: history and anthropology




anthropology of exile, mariateguist studies, life story, social movements, bibliographic production


Ricardo Melgar Bao (1946-2020) is a Peruvian anthropologist with professional training in education, history and anthropology in Peru, with residence for more than 40 years in Mexico where he carried out his work as a teacher, researcher, writer and cultural manager, projecting himself to Peru and other Latin American countries. The objective of this study is to identify and gather their bibliographic production, order them chronologically and thematically, and analyze their contributions. Research with the qualitative method and literature review study, taking into account its historiographical production. This set of publications, duly identified, classified and analyzed, are offered as results that allow us to assess part of his legacy in its real dimension.

Author Biography

  • Filomeno Zubieta Núñez, Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión. Peru

    Profesor principal en la Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión. Doctor en Historia (UNMSM). Miembro Correspondiente de la Academia Nacional de Historia. Director-fundador del hoy Archivo Regional de Lima. Autor de libros de historia regional sobre el entorno de Huacho y el Norte Chico, como de la provincia de Bolognesi (Áncash). Docente-investigador Renacyt.






Artículos Originales

How to Cite

Zubieta Núñez, F. (2022). The bibliographic contribution of Ricardo Melgar Bao: history and anthropology. Investigaciones Sociales, 1(47), 111-125.