Foreign trade in Alfonsín years: reflections from Argentina's trade balance (1983-1989)




foreign trade, democracy, international relations, exports, imports


We review trade balance statistics in the years of Raúl Alfonsín (1983-1989), seeking to contribute to the discussion of trade policy on issues such as the origins of Mercosur (Southern Common Market) and the role of the US and European nations in the post-dictatorship. Through statistical sources in the Center for International Economics of the Secretariat of International Economic Relations, we analyze commercial links with different nation blocs, focusing on exports, imports, amounts reached, and product types that characterized the years of the recent democracy. In addition to the preponderance of the United States and Brazil as main trading partners, other countries, mainly European, had significant interference in Argentina's international trade. Thus, the origins of Mercosur and the growing hegemonic advance with the US are underestimated at this time by the European role in the trade balance.

Author Biography

  • Ignacio Andrés Rossi, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Argentina

    Licenciado en Historia por la Universidad Nacional de Luján (UNLu), Doctorando en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (UNGS) y el Instituto del Desarrollo Económico y Social (Ides). Investigador Junior en la Red Nacional de Investigadores en Economía (RedNIE), Argentina. Docente en el nivel terciario e investigador en la Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CIC) de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Área de incumbencia: historia económica.






Artículos Originales

How to Cite

Andrés Rossi, I. (2023). Foreign trade in Alfonsín years: reflections from Argentina’s trade balance (1983-1989). Investigaciones Sociales, 1(48), 245-266.