Study of the processes of Peruvian emancipation in school classrooms under the context of the health emergency 2020-2021




Emancipation, official texts, virtuality, health emergency


Based on a reflection on the reduced place of national history in the official educational proposal, the contents that appear in school textbooks on the processes that led to the Peruvian emancipation are analyzed, as well as the difficulties related to the development of virtual classes as a consequence of the health emergency. The centralism of the official educational proposal, despite some efforts to influence regional processes, is also mentioned. 
A brief account of what has already been said on the subject is presented, reflecting on the concrete problems of teachers, such as the difficulty to access, renew or improve their classroom materials, and also commenting on the problems of students in the classroom and outside it, such as poor connectivity, emotional problems at family and individual level and the eventual school dropout, situations that were aggravated by the usual disdain of the State.

Author Biography

  • Jorge Luis Castro Olivas, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru

    Doctor en Ciencias Sociales y Magister en Historiapor la UNMSM. Es profesor auxiliar de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales en la misma casa de estudios. Entre sus publicaciones destacan: El Secreto de los Libertadores (Universidad Ricardo Palma, 2011) y Tumbando Héroes. Ensayos de Ciencias Sociales (Sequilao editores, 2020), así como diversos artículos en revistas especializadas. Su línea de investigación gira en torno a la historia política del periodo de Emancipación.






Artículos Originales

How to Cite

Castro Olivas, J. L. (2023). Study of the processes of Peruvian emancipation in school classrooms under the context of the health emergency 2020-2021. Investigaciones Sociales, 1(49), 55-69.