The support for the Spanish Republic in Peru. Discourse and Leadership of the Committee of Friends for the Defenders of the Spanish Republic (CADRE), 1936 to 1937


  • Tirso Molinari Morales Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru



Republic, democracy, dictatorship, fascist, totalitarian, authoritative


For the first time and using primary sources, we present a fundamental overview of the unique support and assistance provided to the Spanish Republic by the Committee of Friends for the Defenders of the Spanish Republic (CADRE). This solidarity effort relied on a broad political and social network, with its axis being their Bulletin (for dissemination, propaganda, exposure, and organization) that circulated in Lima and throughout the country from October 1936 to September 1937. The work was underground, against the current, and defiant, given the overt support that both influential powers and the iron-fisted dictatorship of Benavides provided to the Franco-militaristic and anti-Republican insurgency in Spain.

Author Biography

  • Tirso Molinari Morales, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru

    Doctor en Ciencias Sociales-Historia (UNMSM). Magíster en Sociología (PUCP). Magíster en Historia (PUCP). Licenciado en Sociología (UNMSM). Docente Principal de la UNMSM (Facultad de Ciencias Sociales). Docencia en el Extranjero: Maestría de Estudios Iberoamericanos de la Universidad de Salamanca-España. Autor de diversos artículos universitarios y varios libros entre los que destaca El fascismo en el Perú. La Unión Revolucionaria 1931-1936 (2006 y 2009). Libro que obtuvo el premio en el área de Humanidades-UNMSM en el 2007, Vicerrectorado de Investigación. Su libro más reciente es: Dictadura, cultura autoritaria y conflicto político en el Perú. 1936-1939 (2017). 






Artículos Originales

How to Cite

Molinari Morales, T. (2023). The support for the Spanish Republic in Peru. Discourse and Leadership of the Committee of Friends for the Defenders of the Spanish Republic (CADRE), 1936 to 1937. Investigaciones Sociales, 1(49), 87-113.