Dinámicas socioterritoriales en espacios neorrurales La metamorfosis de la comunidad campesina San Pedro de Yanahuanca


  • Alan Joe Beraún Chaca Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima - Perú.




The study on dynamic the partner-territorial ones in the neorural spaces of Peru, is nonexistent, The analyses to the social processes in the rural spaces, in our country, have been confined to show the cultural, economic differences solely and to the way


The study on dynamic the partner-territorial ones in the neorural spaces of Peru, is nonexistent. The analyses to the social processes in the rural spaces, in our country, have been confined to show the cultural, economic differences solely and to the ways of life of the populations that reside in these spaces. Founded on an analysis of case, made to eight Communities Farmers, we showed how the entrance of oriented economic policies to the liberalization of the internal markets, has terrible impacts in the social and territorial structures of the Communities. The reconstruction of the communal social organizations, the fragmentation and later tendency to the extinction of the traditional territories (Communities Farmers), are some of the spacial expressions of these dynamic ones that the present study tries to show.

Author Biography

  • Alan Joe Beraún Chaca, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima - Perú.






Artículos Originales

How to Cite

Beraún Chaca, A. J. (2008). Dinámicas socioterritoriales en espacios neorrurales La metamorfosis de la comunidad campesina San Pedro de Yanahuanca. Investigaciones Sociales, 12(20), 85-102. https://doi.org/10.15381/is.v12i20.7169