About the Journal

Focus and scope

Discursos Del Sur, revista de teoría crítica en Ciencias Sociales is a peer reviewed research journal, published semi-annually (July and December) by the Postgraduate Unit of Social Sciences Faculty of Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in its printed and electronic formats.

Receive original and unpublished works that reflect on the social problems that are transversal to the global, national, regional and local sphere, and which in turn are part of our historical evolution and proper to research in the disciplines of Social Sciences, such such as inequalities, social conflicts, emergence of identities, democratic regimes, power relations, among others. Allowing thus, the dialogue with other academic communities of Social Sciences of the world.
Each issue of the journal of critical theory in Social Sciences Discursos Del Sur has four sections:

  • Dossier. It is integrated for primary articles and essays both original and unpublished, referring to a specific theme that is defined semiannually by the Editorial Committee.
  • Articles. It contains primary articles and essays, both unpublished and original of free theme.
  • Book and magazine reviews. It covers critical analyzes of published texts that may be referred to the dossier topic or may have free themes.
  • Thesis reviews. Gathers critical analysis of undergraduate and graduate theses of Social Sciences with any theme or a high level of relevance to the dossier.

Proceso de evaluación por pares

Manuscripts submitted to publication in Discursos del Sur follow an evaluation process that lasts approximately three months, and includes the following phases:

Journal Evaluation of standards.  In the first instance, works are evaluated by the Editorial Committee to ensure that manuscript comply with the guidelines. In this first evaluation, the works are also subjected to anti-plagiarism software. Manuscript that do not comply with the requirements explained in this guidelines and shows percentage of similarity greater than those regulated by the UNMSM will not be accepted for publication. This stage lasts approximately two weeks.

Blind peer review. The works received are subjected to a double blind evaluation process. In other words, the article received will be sent to an anonymous review that will be carried out by two researchers from outside our institution (peer reviewers) recognized for their knowledge and academic background in the subject addressed in the article. The peer reviewers, in addition to being experts in the subject addressed by the article, will accredit no competition problems and guarantee total discretion.

Editorial Committee selects the reviewers and sends them the work to be evaluated together with the journal's manual of good practices, criteria and evaluation guide. The reviewers make comments and suggestions to improve the article in a format provided by the Editorial Board where they will conclude:

  1. Accept the article without corrections of any kind.
  2. Accept the article with minor corrections (no further revision process required).
  3. Accept the article with major corrections (requires subsequent review process).
  4. Do not accept the item.

If there is a discrepancy between the two reviewers, the editor will send the article or essay in question to a third reviewer who will determine, taking into account the opinions of the previous two reviewers, whether the article is approved for publication, approved with revisions or rejected. The duration of this stage varies, but is not less than two months.

Acceptance and work in the press. When the author makes the corrections suggested by the reviewers, the article is considered ACCEPTED and ready to move on to the style and layout correction stage. The Editorial Committee gives the author a final version (proof) of the article to authorize the publication.
Throughout the evaluation process described above, the editorial committee will be guided under the parameters and guidelines suggested by the Committee on publication ethics (COPE).

Publishing frequency

Discursos Del Sur, revista de teoría crítica en Ciencias Sociales is published semiannually in July and December.

Open access policy

Discursos Del Sur, revista de teoría crítica en Ciencias Sociales provides free, immediate and free access to its electronic content on its website, under the principle of making public access to research available and free, since only in this way is it encouraged and generates a greater and effective exchange of global knowledge. The use, reproduction and dissemination of the journal for commercial purposes necessarily requires the permission of the authors and the editorial committee of the journal.

Etica en publicaciones

Discursos Del Sur, revista de teoría crítica en Ciencias Sociales is guided by the Code of Research Ethics of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, and at all times, during the process of editing and revising the manuscripts, the editor will be guided by the parameters and guidelines suggested by the Comittee on publication ethics (COPE)

Misconduct in authorships will be a reason to stop the editing process [ver: Wager E. & Kleinert S. 2011. Responsible research publication: international standards for authors. A position statement developed at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, Singapore, July 22-24, 2010. Chapter 50 in: Mayer T. & Steneck N. (eds). Promoting Research Integrity in a Global Environment. Imperial College Press / World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (pp 309-16) (ISBN 978-981-4340-97-7)].

Discursos Del Sur, revista de teoría crítica en Ciencias Sociales does not accept articles that have been submitted simultaneously to other journals.

Discursos Del Sur requires authors, reviewers and Editorial Committee a high level of professionalism and high ethical criteria of responsibility for the advancement of Social Sciences. In that sense, our code of ethics is built on the following principles:

  1. Honesty
  2. Original and inetid contribution to Sciences
  3. Commitment in the contribution of research to address problems
  4. Scientific and methodological rigor.
  5. Academic excellence in the evaluation.

Plagiarism and fraud. Discursos Del Sur, revista de teoría crítica en Ciencias Sociales defines plagiarism as the appropriation of ideas, processes, results or fragments of texts by an author without the respective citation. In addition, it considers the fabrication and falsification of data as fraud. This are practices that the Discursos Del Sur combats throughout the process of editing each issue through the use of tools such as anti-plagiarism software and the opinion of peer reviewers.

Conflicts of interest

The author declares any relationship -labor or institutional-, condition or circumstance that can be interpreted as a factor that reduces objectivity in the design, data collection or interpretation of the manuscript. These can be consultancies, scholarships, travel payments, etc.

Self-archiving policy

Discursos Del Sur, revista de teoría crítica en Ciencias Sociales allows and encourages authors to disseminate their articles on their personal or institutional websites and to deposit them in their institutional repositories, providing bibliographic information that accredits the first publication in Discursos Del Sur.


  • All contens of Discursos del Sur are storage on external hard drives of servers of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, its information is updated every six months.
  •  Discursos del Sur uses the OJS, which provides the PKP-PN (PKP-Preservation Network) tool that allows preserving its contents using LOCKSS, which offers a decentralized preservation system distributed among the participating libraries and allows the creation of archives. journal entries for conservation and restoration purposes, perpetual uninterrupted access. The PKP PN ensures that journals that are not part of any other digital preservation service (such as CLOCKSS or Portico) can be preserved for long-term access.
  • Institutional preservation, all articles of Discursos del Sur are deposited in the Institutional Repository.
  • Discursos del Sur articles and their metadata are deposited in ALICIA National Repository.