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Author Guidelines

Editorial policy and considerations

Focus and scope

  • Discursos Del Sur is a peer-reviewed research journal, semiannual (July and December) published by Postgraduate Unit of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, in printed and electronic versions.
  • Articles are original and unpublished, in Spanish. In the works, transversal social problems to the global, regional, national, and local sphere are analized. This problems, such as inequalities, social conflicts, emergence of identities, democratic regimes, power relations, among others, in turn are part of our historical befall, and characteristic topics in Social Sciences disciplines research.

Evaluation and publication process

Manuscripts submitted to publication in Discursos del Sur follow an evaluation process, and includes the following phases:

Journal Evaluation of standards.  In the first instance, works are evaluated by the Editorial Committee to ensure that manuscript comply with the guidelines. In this first evaluation, the works are also subjected to anti-plagiarism software. Manuscript that do not comply with the requirements explained in this guidelines and shows percentage of similarity greater than those regulated by the UNMSM will not be accepted for publication.

Blind peer review. The works received are subjected to a double blind evaluation process. In other words, the article received will be sent to an anonymous review that will be carried out by two researchers from outside our institution (peer reviewers) recognized for their knowledge and academic background in the subject addressed in the article. The peer reviewers, in addition to being experts in the subject addressed by the article, will accredit no competition problems and guarantee total discretion.

Editorial Committee selects the reviewers and sends them the work to be evaluated together with the journal's manual of good practices, criteria and evaluation guide. The reviewers make comments and suggestions to improve the article in a format provided by the Editorial Board where they will conclude:

  1. Accept the article without corrections of any kind.
  2. Accept the article with minor corrections (no further revision process required).
  3. Accept the article with major corrections (requires subsequent review process).
  4. Do not accept the item.

If there is a discrepancy between the two reviewers, the editor will send the article or essay in question to a third reviewer who will determine, taking into account the opinions of the previous two reviewers, whether the article is approved for publication, approved with revisions or rejected.

Acceptance and work in the press. When the author makes the corrections suggested by the reviewers, the article is considered ACCEPTED and ready to move on to the style and layout correction stage. The Editorial Committee gives the author a final version (proof) of the article to authorize the publication.
Throughout the evaluation process described above, the editorial committee will be guided under the parameters and guidelines suggested by the Committee on publication ethics (COPE).

Ethics in publications

  • Throughout the editorial process, Discursos Del Sur is guided by the Research Ethics Code of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, and during the manuscript editing and review process, the editor will be conducted by the guidelines of the Committee on publication ethics (COPE).
  • Bad behavior in authoring will be reason to stop the editing process.
  • Discursos Del Sur will not accept articles that have been simultaneously submitted to other journal or are in editorial processes in other publisher.
  • The journal demands to authors, reviewers and Editorial Committee integrity, professionalism and responsibility in the publishing process, in order to contribute to social sciences advances. In this sense, our code of ethics is governed by the following principles:
    • Scientific and methodological rigor
    • Honesty
    • Original and unpublished contribution to the social sciences
    • Academic excellence in evaluation
  • Plagiarism and fraud. Discursos Del Sur defines plagiarism as the appropriation of ideas, processes, results or fragments of an author's texts without the respective citation, being also a dishonest behavior that cannot be tolerated. It also considers the fabrication and falsification of data as fraud. Practices that the journal combats in all the editorial processes of each issue through the use of tools such as anti-plagiarism software and the opinion of peer reviewers.

Frequency of publication

Discursos Del Sur is published biannually in July and December.

Open Access policy

Discursos Del Sur provides free and immediate access to its electronic content on its website, under the principle of making public access to research available and free, since only in this way a greater and effective exchange of global knowledge is encouraged and generated. The use, reproduction and dissemination of the magazine for commercial purposes requires the permission of the authors and the editorial committee of the magazine.

Collections and payments

Discursos Del Sur does not article processing charges for the reception and processing of the manuscript and assumes all the expenses for the preparation, publication and distribution of the same in its physical and digital version.

Guidelines for submitting articles

Manuscripts, cover letter and illustrations must be sent through the publication system, for which you can enter this link ( to register in the journal portal ). Otherwise, send the work to:

The cover letter must indicate the submission of the work to the norms of the journal and the recognition of the condition of open access of the publication. The (as) authors (as) must attach a brief profile of themselves of no more than 150 words where they specify the institutional affiliation, and the email address. The letter must indicate the corresponding author, if applicable, and state that:

  • The work is original and unpublished and constitutes a relevant contribution to social science research. Those that have already been published will not be accepted.
  • You will not submit your work for publication to another magazine or publisher, while it is in the editing process.
  • It will fully comply with the editorial criteria of the journal.
  • It will integrate the comments and changes requested by the reviewers into the final version of its text.
  • You will approve the publication of your institutional address and email.
  • You will authorize the distribution of your work by electronic means.

Journal sections

The journal contains four sections preceded by an editorial. The Editorial Committee is in charge of deciding the order in which the primary articles or original essays will be presented in the journal sections.

It is in charge of the director of the journal, it deals with the editorial policy and, when is appropriated, about the dossier topic.
Dossier Articles
The theme of the dossier is decided by the Editorial Committee every six months. It brings together primary articles and essays both original and unpublished, based on completed research. They are peer-reviewed papers. These articles and essays should be between 8000 and 12000 words long, including notes, bibliographic references, and illustrations (images, tables and graphs).
Free articles
Contains original and unpublished primary articles and essays. They are peer-reviewed papers. These articles and essays should be between 8000 and 12000 words long, including notes, bibliographic references, and illustrations (images, tables and graphs).
Work reviews
It are critical analyzes of works already published. Preferably, the work selected for the analysis must be in accordance with the dossier. The reviews will be reviewed only by the Editorial Committee. These reviews must be between 1,300 and 2,000 words long. Reviews cannot be prepared by the author or authors of the reviewed book.
Thesis Reviews
It gathers critical analyzes of undergraduate and postgraduate social sciences thesis with free subject matter or a high level of relevance to the dossier. The reviews will be reviewed only by the Editorial Committee. These sums must be between 500 and 800 words long.

Structure of the articles


  • Title in Spanish and English.
  • Summary in Spanish and English, which gives an accurate and clear account of the structure of the article (maximum 200 words).
  • Authors, first and last name.
  • ORCID code of the authors.
  • Email of each author.
  • Institution where each author works. Must be consider only the main level of the institution, city and country.
  • Author's postal address for correspondence.
  • Keywords / Keywords (3-5).
  • Statements on research ethics (eg: informed consent)
  • Funding. Consider the name of the institution and the financing code. Only some type of monetary funding.


Discursos Del Sur citation style is based on the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition. Texts of articles, essays and reviews must be articulated in a coherent focusing on its objectives and considering an introduction, development of the topic and a closing with its contributions, limitations and / or new questions.

  • Citation in text

Discursos Del Sur uses the author-date system. Up to two authors are named followed by the date and without a comma (García and Pérez 1989; Vacaflor 2000), if it is mentioned in the text and it is only one author, the name is mentioned (... concordando con Juan Paredes (1987) encontramos...). In case of more than two authors, et al. in italics and without a comma should be used.  (Miranda et al. 2005), when several works are cited, they are separated by semicolons and ordered alphabetically (Estramadoyro 2001; Sanchez et al. 1987; Vargas 1967). Works by the same author from the same year must be indicated in lower case letters (Carcelen 1987a; Carcelen 1987b; Carcelen 1987c). All references must appear in Bibliography, not as footnotes. Notes must be at the end of the body (before the Bibliography). Examples:

  • "La investigación de Juan Ayala (2017a, 2018) evidenció como uno de sus principales hallazgos las dificultades académicas de los estudiantes."
  • "... imaginadas, la cual, en efecto, caracteriza los Estados-nacionales decimonónicos (Anderson 1993)." "Dicha dinámica puede ser leída como una estructura de tres ejes o ruedas: los exiliados, el Estado que los expulsa y la sociedad que los acoge (Sznaider y Roniger 2013, p. 6)."
  • "Igual descripción es destacada en otras investigaciones (Reynaga 2008; Távara 2008; Gutiérrez y Sierra 2007) que señalan este rasgo de desconfianza como una de las secuelas más notorias en víctimas de violencia política."
  • "Afortunadamente arqueólogos y arqueólogas de las misiones polacas en el Perú (Wołoszyn et al. 2019; Ziółkowski et al. 2009) y otros investigadores como el equipo liderado por Justin Jennings y Willy Yépez (2012) han llenado ese vacío del trabajo arqueológico en la zona."
  • Short direct quotes

They are those under 40 words, duly presented and must indicate the page. [Cuando Perrot señala que “en el teatro de la memoria, las mujeres son solo sombras” (2008, p. 26), hace una alegoría de la selección social y sexual de las huellas históricas.], [Otro analista de la misma tendencia escribió en The New American que “mientras los venezolanos promedios... no se den cuenta que el socialismo es la raíz de sus problemas... van a seguir reemplazando un gobierno izquierdista por otro” (Tennant, 2017, p. 39).]

  • Long quotes

Texts greater than 40 words, indented 1.25 cm (0.5 inches) from the margin.

[... amenaza exterior, las cuales conviven precisamente con las conquistas sociales impulsadas a partir de 1952. En términos de Loayza Bueno:

Las políticas públicas no han tenido un continuum que permita formar un credo nacional de búsqueda de desarrollo y progreso. Por el contrario, las guerras con Chile y Paraguay y la consecuente pérdida del territorio han contribuido a for-jar una relación chocante con la nación entre los bolivianos, pues la identidad nacional se ha construido sobre las mutilaciones territoriales, antes que sobre la pertenencia al proyecto de `bienestar ́ del Estado (Loayza, 2011, p. 37; en Peres-Cajías, 2017, p. 7).

En un contexto en el que se expande el sistema de educación pública, se refuerza también la conmemoración de fiestas cívicas y efemérides patrias.]

 [El siguiente estribillo de Pedro Telmo, cantautor popular chileno, describe el imaginario nacional que comparten más de una generación de bolivianos:

Yo quiero un mar/Un mar azul, para Bolivia/ Risas y llanto de mi pasado/ Y esta canción/De enamorado/Y quiero igual/ Su corazón aprisionado [...] Tiempo feliz de mi niñez/ Que nunca olvido/ Recuerdos que en mi existir/ Están grabados (Pedro Telmo Caicano, 1976; en Taboada, 2004, p. 111).

Retomando los postulados de Anderson, Guadalupe Peres-Cajías se pregun-ta si acaso es posible la construcción de una comunidad imaginada que se distancie de la idea del mar perdido (Peres-Cajías, 2017, p. 12).] 

  • References in Bibliography

Titles of works (of books and journals) in italics; Part of works (title of articles or book chapters) in quotation. Names of authors in initials, year of publication of the work without parentheses. Persistent identifiers must be used. DOI or Handle are preferable to URLs as they are more stable, in this case no access date is necessary. Examples:

-Degregori, C. (2000). La década de la antipolítica. Auge y huída de Alberto Fujimori y Vladimiro Montesinos. Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruano.
Book chapters:
-Demélas, M. (2009). "Separar y unir: algunas preguntas sobre la formación de las nuevas naciones andinas y sus relaciones a principios de la independencia". En Zepeda, B. (Coord.). Ecuador: relaciones exteriores a la luz del Bicentenario (pp. 27-44). Quito: FLACSO.
-Belaunde, V. (1994). "The Frontiers in Hispanic America". En Weber, D. y Rausch, J. Where Cultures Meet: Frontier in Latin American History, 6. Wilmington: Jaguar Books on Latin America.
-Canchis Montoya, L. W. 1995. “Nido de inquietudes. Universidades y jóvenes: políticas de desarrollo universitario, actores sociales y modernización educativa 1960-1993”. (Tesis Licenciado en Sociología). Lima: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.
-Marcos, A. C. 2019. “Migración y matrimonio ¿Qué nos une y qué nos separa? la boda mazahua, San Felipe del Progreso, México”. (Tesis de maestría). Quito, Ecuador : Flacso Ecuador.
Journal article:
-Lazzarato, M. 2015. “Neoliberalism, the Financial Crisis and the End of the Liberal State”. Theory, Culture & Society 32 (7–8): 67–83.
-Bessire, L. y D. Bond. 2014. “Ontological Anthropology and the Deferral of Critique”. American Ethnologist 41 (3): 440–56.
-Bignon, F. (2018). "Propaganda pradista: patria, caídos y Amazonía en torno a la guerra Perú-Ecuador de 1941". Bulletin de l’Institut français d’études andines, 47(2): 117-140.
  • Illustrations

The illustrations are tables and figures (graphs, images, diagrams, diagrams). All are cited in the body of the work with consecutive Arabic numerals (Figure 1; Table 2; (Fig. 4)). The illustrations have a name (eg: Figure 1), can have a title or a phrasal title or a heading, and always followed by an explanatory legend of the illustration (caption). The name, title and legend in the tables are located at the top and in the figure at the bottom. All illustrations must clearly indicate the source (or if it is their own creation), indicating the citation to the corresponding reference. Tables and graphs must be submitted in editable format (Excel suggested), as a file attached to the article. Like the pictures. In all cases, their location must be indicated in the article. The minimum resolution of images is 300 dpi, jpg extension. If necessary, the author must certify that he has the corresponding permissions for its reproduction.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The author has read and is aware of the journal's presentation policies and guidelines.
  • The submitted manuscript is an original and unpublished work, and has not been previously published nor has it been submitted for consideration by any other journal.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word format. High-quality illustrations. The tables are in Excel format.
  • Citations in the text are in the author-date system, it does not include footnote references, the notes at the end of the body of the work. References are according to the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition. Whenever possible, references use persistent indicators (DOI, Handle, etc.)


La existencia de un dossier y la temática del mismo será decidido por el Comité Editorial semestralmente y estará compuesto por artículos primarios y ensayos originales que estarán basados en investigaciones concluidas, las cuales deben mostrar claramente la manera en la que contribuyen a las discusiones disciplinares en términos teóricos y/o metodológicos, o a la ampliación y reflexión del conocimiento sobre problemáticas socioculturales locales y globales. Dichos artículos y ensayos deben tener una extensión mínima de 6.000 palabras y una máxima de 12.000, incluyendo notas y referencias bibliográficas, imágenes, cuadros y gráficos.

Original Scientific Articles

Contiene artículos primarios y ensayos originales, los cuales deben mostrar claramente la manera en la que contribuyen a las discusiones disciplinares en términos teóricos y/o metodológicos, o a la ampliación y reflexión del conocimiento sobre problemáticas socioculturales locales y globales. Dichos artículos y ensayos deben tener una extensión mínima de 6.000 palabras y una máxima de 12.000, incluyendo notas y referencias bibliográficas, imágenes, cuadros y gráficos.

Literature review

Textos cortos que deben expresar una mirada crítica de la obra seleccionada para el análisis y discusión. Dicha obra debe estar en concordancia, preferentemente, con los temas vinculados al tema del dossier de la revista y debe tener una extensión entre 1.300 y 2.000 palabras. Las reseñas no pueden ser elaboradas por el autor o los autores del libro reseñado.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses submitted to this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes set forth herein and will not be provided to third parties or for use for other purposes.